Source code for diffsptk.modules.yingram

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import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from ..misc.utils import check_size
from ..misc.utils import to
from .acorr import Autocorrelation

[docs] class Yingram(nn.Module): """Pitch-related feature extraction module based on YIN. Parameters ---------- frame_length : int >= 1 Frame length, :math:`L`. sample_rate : int >= 1 Sample rate in Hz. lag_min : int >= 1 Minimum lag in points. lag_max : int < L Maximum lag in points. n_bin : int >= 1 Number of bins of Yingram to represent a semitone range. References ---------- .. [1] A. Cheveigne and H. Kawahara, "YIN, a fundamental frequency estimator for speech and music," *The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America*, vol. 111, 2002. .. [2] H. Choi et al., "Neural analysis and synthesis: Reconstructing speech from self-supervised representations," *arXiv:2110.14513*, 2021. """ def __init__( self, frame_length, sample_rate=22050, lag_min=22, lag_max=None, n_bin=20, ): super().__init__() if lag_max is None: lag_max = frame_length - 1 assert 1 <= sample_rate assert 1 <= lag_min <= lag_max < frame_length assert 1 <= n_bin self.frame_length = frame_length self.lag_max = lag_max self.acorr = Autocorrelation(frame_length, lag_max - 1) lags, lags_ceil, lags_floor, ramp = self._precompute( sample_rate, lag_min, lag_max, n_bin ) self.register_buffer("lags", lags) self.register_buffer("lags_ceil", lags_ceil) self.register_buffer("lags_floor", lags_floor) self.register_buffer("ramp", ramp)
[docs] def forward(self, x): """Compute YIN derivatives. Parameters ---------- x : Tensor [shape=(..., L)] Framed waveform. Returns ------- out : Tensor [shape=(..., M)] Yingram. Examples -------- >>> x = diffsptk.nrand(22050) >>> frame = diffsptk.Frame(2048, 441) >>> yingram = diffsptk.Yingram(2048) >>> y = yingram(frame(x)) >>> y.shape torch.Size([51, 1580]) """ check_size(x.size(-1), self.frame_length, "frame length") return self._forward( x, self.acorr, self.lag_max, self.lags, self.lags_ceil, self.lags_floor, self.ramp, )
@staticmethod def _forward(x, acorr, lag_max, lags, lags_ceil, lags_floor, ramp): W = x.size(-1) x0 = F.pad(x, (1, 0)) s = torch.cumsum(x0 * x0, dim=-1) term1 = (s[..., W - lag_max + 1 :]).flip(-1) term2 = s[..., W:] - s[..., :lag_max] term3 = -2 * acorr(x) # Compute Eq. (7). d = (term1 + term2 + term3)[..., 1:] # Compute Eq. (8). d = ramp * d / (torch.cumsum(d, dim=-1) + 1e-7) # Compute Yingram. d0 = F.pad(d, (1, 0), value=1) numer = (lags - lags_floor) * (d0[..., lags_ceil] - d0[..., lags_floor]) denom = lags_ceil - lags_floor y = numer / denom + d0[..., lags_floor] return y @staticmethod def _func(x, sample_rate, lag_min, lag_max, n_bin): if lag_max is None: lag_max = x.size(-1) - 1 const = Yingram._precompute( sample_rate, lag_min, lag_max, n_bin, dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device ) return Yingram._forward( x, lambda x: Autocorrelation._func(x, lag_max - 1), lag_max, *const ) @staticmethod def _precompute(sample_rate, lag_min, lag_max, n_bin, dtype=None, device=None): midi_min = int(np.ceil(Yingram.lag2midi(lag_max, sample_rate))) midi_max = int(Yingram.lag2midi(lag_min, sample_rate)) lags = Yingram.midi2lag( torch.arange( midi_min, midi_max + 1, 1 / n_bin, dtype=torch.double, device=device ), sample_rate, ) lags_ceil = lags.ceil().long() lags_floor = lags.floor().long() ramp = torch.arange(1, lag_max, device=device) return to(lags, dtype=dtype), lags_ceil, lags_floor, ramp @staticmethod def midi2lag(midi, sample_rate): return sample_rate / (440 * 2 ** ((midi - 69) / 12)) @staticmethod def lag2midi(lag, sample_rate): return 12 * np.log2(sample_rate / (440 * lag)) + 69