Source code for diffsptk.modules.excite

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import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from ..misc.utils import TWO_PI
from ..misc.utils import UNVOICED_SYMBOL
from .linear_intpl import LinearInterpolation

[docs] class ExcitationGeneration(nn.Module): """See `this page <>`_ for details. Parameters ---------- frame_period : int >= 1 Frame period in samples, :math:`P`. voiced_region : ['pulse', 'sinusoidal', 'sawtooth'] Value on voiced region. unvoiced_region : ['gauss', 'zeros'] Value on unvoiced region. """ def __init__(self, frame_period, voiced_region="pulse", unvoiced_region="gauss"): super().__init__() assert 1 <= frame_period assert voiced_region in ("pulse", "sinusoidal", "sawtooth") assert unvoiced_region in ("gauss", "zeros") self.frame_period = frame_period self.voiced_region = voiced_region self.unvoiced_region = unvoiced_region
[docs] def forward(self, p): """Generate a simple excitation signal. Parameters ---------- p : Tensor [shape=(..., N)] Pitch in seconds. Returns ------- out : Tensor [shape=(..., NxP)] Excitation signal. Examples -------- >>> p = torch.tensor([2.0, 3.0]) >>> excite = diffsptk.ExcitationGeneration(3) >>> e = excite(p) >>> e tensor([1.4142, 0.0000, 1.6330, 0.0000, 0.0000, 1.7321]) """ return self._forward( p, self.frame_period, self.voiced_region, self.unvoiced_region )
@staticmethod def _forward(p, frame_period, voiced_region, unvoiced_region): # Make mask represents voiced region. base_mask = torch.clip(p, min=0, max=1) mask =, UNVOICED_SYMBOL) mask = torch.repeat_interleave(mask, frame_period, dim=-1) # Extend right side for interpolation. tmp_mask = F.pad(base_mask, (1, 0)) tmp_mask = torch.eq(tmp_mask[..., 1:] - tmp_mask[..., :-1], -1) p[tmp_mask] = torch.roll(p, 1, dims=-1)[tmp_mask] # Interpolate pitch. if p.dim() != 1: p = p.transpose(-2, -1) p = LinearInterpolation._func(p, frame_period) if p.dim() != 1: p = p.transpose(-2, -1) p *= mask # Compute phase. voiced_pos =, 0) q = torch.zeros_like(p) q[voiced_pos] = torch.reciprocal(p[voiced_pos]) s = torch.cumsum(q.double(), dim=-1) bias, _ = torch.cummax(s * ~mask, dim=-1) phase = (s - bias).to(p.dtype) if voiced_region == "pulse": r = torch.ceil(phase) r = F.pad(r, (1, 0)) pulse_pos =[..., 1:] - r[..., :-1], 1) e = torch.zeros_like(p) e[pulse_pos] = torch.sqrt(p[pulse_pos]) elif voiced_region == "sinusoidal": e = torch.sin(TWO_PI * phase) elif voiced_region == "sawtooth": e = torch.fmod(phase, 2) - 1 else: raise ValueError(f"voiced_region {voiced_region} is not supported.") if unvoiced_region == "gauss": e[~mask] = torch.randn(torch.sum(~mask), device=e.device) elif unvoiced_region == "zeros": pass else: raise ValueError(f"unvoiced_region {unvoiced_region} is not supported.") return e _func = _forward