Source code for diffsptk.modules.rmse

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import torch
from torch import nn

[docs] class RootMeanSquareError(nn.Module): """See `this page <>`_ for details. Parameters ---------- reduction : ['none', 'mean', 'sum'] Reduction type. eps : float >= 0 A small value to prevent NaN. """ def __init__(self, reduction="mean", eps=1e-8): super().__init__() assert reduction in ("none", "mean", "sum") assert 0 <= eps self.reduction = reduction self.eps = eps
[docs] def forward(self, x, y): """Calculate RMSE. Parameters ---------- x : Tensor [shape=(...,)] Input. y : Tensor [shape=(...,)] Target. Returns ------- out : Tensor [shape=(...,) or scalar] RMSE. Examples -------- >>> x = diffsptk.nrand(4) >>> x tensor([-0.5945, -0.2401, 0.8633, -0.6464, 0.4515]) >>> y = diffsptk.nrand(4) >>> y tensor([-0.4025, 0.9367, 1.1299, 3.1986, -0.2832]) >>> rmse = diffsptk.RootMeanSquaredError() >>> e = rmse(x, y) >>> e tensor(1.8340) """ return self._forward(x, y, self.reduction, self.eps)
@staticmethod def _forward(x, y, reduction, eps): error = torch.sqrt(torch.square(x - y).mean(-1) + eps) if reduction == "none": pass elif reduction == "sum": error = error.sum() elif reduction == "mean": error = error.mean() else: raise ValueError(f"reduction {reduction} is not supported.") return error _func = _forward