Source code for diffsptk.core.root_pol

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import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from ..misc.utils import check_size
from ..misc.utils import numpy_to_torch
from ..misc.utils import vander

[docs]class DurandKernerMethod(nn.Module): """See `this page <>`_ for details. order : int >= 1 [scalar] Order of coefficients. n_iter : int >= 1 [scalar] Number of iterations. eps : float >= 0 [scalar] Convergence threshold. out_format : ['rectangular', 'polar'] Output format. """ def __init__(self, order, n_iter=100, eps=1e-14, out_format="rectangular"): super(DurandKernerMethod, self).__init__() self.order = order self.n_iter = n_iter self.eps = eps assert 1 <= self.order assert 1 <= self.n_iter assert 0 <= self.eps if out_format == 0 or out_format == "rectangular": self.convert = lambda x: x elif out_format == 1 or out_format == "polar": self.convert = lambda x: torch.complex(x.abs(), x.angle()) else: raise ValueError(f"out_format {out_format} is not supported") ramp = np.arange(order + 1) exponent = 1 / ramp[2:] self.register_buffer("exponent", numpy_to_torch(exponent)) angle = ramp[:-1] * np.pi / (order / 2) + np.pi / (order * 2) self.register_buffer("sin", numpy_to_torch(np.sin(angle))) self.register_buffer("cos", numpy_to_torch(np.cos(angle))) self.register_buffer("eye", torch.eye(order).bool())
[docs] def forward(self, a): """Find roots of equations. Parameters ---------- a : Tensor [shape=(..., M+1)] Polynomial coefficients. Returns ------- x : Tensor [shape=(..., M)] Complex roots. is_converged : Tensor [shape=(...,)] True if convergence is reached. Examples -------- >>> a = torch.tensor([3, 4, 5]) >>> root_pol = diffsptk.DurandKernerMethod(a.size(-1) - 1) >>> x, is_converged = root_pol(a) >>> x tensor([[-0.6667+1.1055j, -0.6667-1.1055j]]) >>> is_converged tensor([True]) """ check_size(a.size(-1), self.order + 1, "dimension of coefficients") a = a[..., 1:] / a[..., :1] # (..., M) radius, _ = torch.max( 2 * torch.pow(a[..., 1:].abs(), self.exponent), dim=-1, keepdim=True, ) center = -a[..., :1] / self.order x = torch.complex( center + radius * self.cos, center + radius * self.sin, ) a = F.pad(a, (1, 0), value=1) a = a.unsqueeze(-1).to(x.dtype) for _ in range(self.n_iter): y = x for m in range(self.order): xm = x[..., m : m + 1] v = vander(xm, N=self.order + 1) numer = torch.matmul(v, a).squeeze(-1) w = (xm - x) + self.eye[m : m + 1] denom =, keepdim=True) delta = numer / denom x = x - delta * self.eye[m : m + 1] if (y - x).abs().max() <= self.eps: break is_converged = torch.max((y - x).abs(), dim=-1)[0] <= self.eps x = self.convert(x) return x, is_converged