Source code for diffsptk.core.mglsadf

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# Copyright 2022 SPTK Working Group                                        #
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import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from ..misc.utils import Lambda
from ..misc.utils import check_size
from ..misc.utils import get_gamma
from .b2mc import MLSADigitalFilterCoefficientsToMelCepstrum
from .gnorm import GeneralizedCepstrumGainNormalization
from .istft import InverseShortTermFourierTransform
from .linear_intpl import LinearInterpolation
from .mc2b import MelCepstrumToMLSADigitalFilterCoefficients
from .mgc2mgc import MelGeneralizedCepstrumToMelGeneralizedCepstrum
from .mgc2sp import MelGeneralizedCepstrumToSpectrum
from .stft import ShortTermFourierTransform

def mirror(x, half=False):
    """Mirror the input tensor.

    x : Tensor [shape=(..., L)]
        Input tensor.

    half : bool [scalar]
        If True, multiply all elements except the first one by 0.5.

    y : Tensor [shape=(..., 2L-1)]
        Output tensor.

    x0, x1 = torch.split(x, [1, x.size(-1) - 1], dim=-1)
    if half:
        x1 = x1 * 0.5
    y =, x0, x1), dim=-1)
    return y

[docs]class PseudoMGLSADigitalFilter(nn.Module): """See `this page <>`_ for details. Parameters ---------- filter_order : int >= 0 [scalar] Order of filter coefficients, :math:`M`. frame_period : int >= 1 [scalar] Frame period, :math:`P`. alpha : float [-1 < alpha < 1] Frequency warping factor, :math:`\\alpha`. gamma : float [-1 <= gamma <= 1] Gamma, :math:`\\gamma`. c : int >= 1 [scalar] Number of stages. ignore_gain : bool [scalar] If True, perform filtering without gain. phase : ['minimum', 'maximum', 'zero'] Filter type. mode : ['multi-stage', 'single-stage', 'freq-domain'] 'multi-stage' approximates the MLSA filter by cascading FIR filters based on the Taylor series expansion. 'single-stage' uses a FIR filter whose coefficients are the impulse response converted from input mel-cepstral coefficients using FFT. 'freq-domain' performs filtering in the frequency domain rather than time one. taylor_order : int >= 0 [scalar] Order of Taylor series expansion (valid only if **mode** is 'multi-stage'). cep_order : int >= 0 [scalar] Order of linear cepstrum (valid only if **mode** is 'multi-stage'). ir_length : int >= 1 [scalar] Length of impulse response (valid only if **mode** is 'single-stage'). n_fft : int >= 1 [scalar] Number of FFT bins for conversion (valid only if **mode** is 'single-stage'). **stft_kwargs : additional keyword arguments See :func:`~diffsptk.ShortTermFourierTransform` (valid only if **mode** is 'freq-domain'). References ---------- .. [1] T. Yoshimura et al., "Embedding a differentiable mel-cepstral synthesis filter to a neural speech synthesis system," *arXiv:2211.11222*, 2022. """ def __init__( self, filter_order, frame_period, *, alpha=0, gamma=0, c=None, ignore_gain=False, phase="minimum", mode="multi-stage", **kwargs, ): super(PseudoMGLSADigitalFilter, self).__init__() self.filter_order = filter_order self.frame_period = frame_period gamma = get_gamma(gamma, c) if mode == "multi-stage": self.mglsadf = MultiStageFIRFilter( filter_order, frame_period, alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma, ignore_gain=ignore_gain, phase=phase, **kwargs, ) elif mode == "single-stage": self.mglsadf = SingleStageFIRFilter( filter_order, frame_period, alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma, ignore_gain=ignore_gain, phase=phase, **kwargs, ) elif mode == "freq-domain": self.mglsadf = FrequencyDomainFIRFilter( filter_order, frame_period, alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma, ignore_gain=ignore_gain, phase=phase, **kwargs, ) else: raise ValueError(f"mode {mode} is not supported")
[docs] def forward(self, x, mc): """Apply an MGLSA digital filter. Parameters ---------- x : Tensor [shape=(..., T)] Excitation signal. mc : Tensor [shape=(..., T/P, M+1)] Mel-generalized cepstrum, not MLSA digital filter coefficients. Returns ------- y : Tensor [shape=(..., T)] Output signal. Examples -------- >>> M = 4 >>> x = diffsptk.step(3) >>> mc = diffsptk.nrand(2, M) >>> mc tensor([[-0.9134, -0.5774, -0.4567, 0.7423, -0.5782], [ 0.6904, 0.5175, 0.8765, 0.1677, 2.4624]]) >>> mglsadf = diffsptk.MLSA(M, frame_period=2) >>> y = mglsadf(x.view(1, -1), mc.view(1, 2, M + 1)) >>> y tensor([[0.4011, 0.8760, 3.5677, 4.8725]]) """ check_size(mc.size(-1), self.filter_order + 1, "dimension of mel-cepstrum") check_size(x.size(-1), mc.size(-2) * self.frame_period, "sequence length") y = self.mglsadf(x, mc) return y
class MultiStageFIRFilter(nn.Module): def __init__( self, filter_order, frame_period, *, alpha=0, gamma=0, ignore_gain=False, phase="minimum", taylor_order=20, cep_order=199, ): super(MultiStageFIRFilter, self).__init__() self.ignore_gain = ignore_gain self.phase = phase self.taylor_order = taylor_order assert 0 <= self.taylor_order if self.phase == "minimum": self.pad = nn.ConstantPad1d((cep_order, 0), 0) elif self.phase == "maximum": self.pad = nn.ConstantPad1d((0, cep_order), 0) elif self.phase == "zero": self.pad = nn.ConstantPad1d((cep_order, cep_order), 0) else: raise ValueError(f"phase {phase} is not supported") self.mgc2c = MelGeneralizedCepstrumToMelGeneralizedCepstrum( filter_order, cep_order, in_alpha=alpha, in_gamma=gamma, ) self.linear_intpl = LinearInterpolation(frame_period) def forward(self, x, mc): c = self.mgc2c(mc) if self.ignore_gain: c[..., 0] = 0 if self.phase == "minimum": c = c.flip(-1) elif self.phase == "maximum": pass elif self.phase == "zero": c = mirror(c, half=True) else: raise RuntimeError c = self.linear_intpl(c) y = x.clone() for a in range(1, self.taylor_order + 1): x = self.pad(x) x = x.unfold(-1, c.size(-1), 1) x = (x * c).sum(-1) / a y += x return y class SingleStageFIRFilter(nn.Module): def __init__( self, filter_order, frame_period, *, alpha=0, gamma=0, ignore_gain=False, phase="minimum", ir_length=2000, n_fft=4096, ): super(SingleStageFIRFilter, self).__init__() self.ignore_gain = ignore_gain self.phase = phase taps = ir_length - 1 if self.phase == "minimum": self.pad = nn.ConstantPad1d((taps, 0), 0) elif self.phase == "maximum": self.pad = nn.ConstantPad1d((0, taps), 0) elif self.phase == "zero": self.pad = nn.ConstantPad1d((taps, taps), 0) else: raise ValueError(f"phase {phase} is not supported") if self.phase in ["minimum", "maximum"]: self.mgc2ir = MelGeneralizedCepstrumToMelGeneralizedCepstrum( filter_order, ir_length - 1, in_alpha=alpha, in_gamma=gamma, out_gamma=1, out_mul=True, n_fft=n_fft, ) else: self.mgc2c = MelGeneralizedCepstrumToMelGeneralizedCepstrum( filter_order, ir_length - 1, in_alpha=alpha, in_gamma=gamma, n_fft=n_fft, ) self.c2ir = nn.Sequential( Lambda(lambda x: torch.fft.hfft(x, n=n_fft)), Lambda(lambda x: torch.fft.ifft(torch.exp(x)).real[..., :ir_length]), ) self.linear_intpl = LinearInterpolation(frame_period) def forward(self, x, mc): if self.phase == "zero": c = self.mgc2c(mc) c[..., 1:] *= 0.5 if self.ignore_gain: c[..., 0] = 0 h = self.c2ir(c) else: h = self.mgc2ir(mc) if self.phase == "minimum": h = h.flip(-1) elif self.phase == "maximum": pass elif self.phase == "zero": h = mirror(h) else: raise RuntimeError h = self.linear_intpl(h) if self.ignore_gain: if self.phase == "minimum": h = h / h[..., -1:] elif self.phase == "maximum": h = h / h[..., :1] elif self.phase == "zero": pass else: raise RuntimeError x = self.pad(x) x = x.unfold(-1, h.size(-1), 1) y = (x * h).sum(-1) return y class FrequencyDomainFIRFilter(nn.Module): def __init__( self, filter_order, frame_period, *, alpha=0, gamma=0, ignore_gain=False, phase="minimum", frame_length=400, fft_length=512, n_fft=512, **stft_kwargs, ): super(FrequencyDomainFIRFilter, self).__init__() assert 2 * frame_period < frame_length self.ignore_gain = ignore_gain if self.ignore_gain: self.gnorm = GeneralizedCepstrumGainNormalization(filter_order, gamma=gamma) self.mc2b = MelCepstrumToMLSADigitalFilterCoefficients( filter_order, alpha=alpha ) self.b2mc = MLSADigitalFilterCoefficientsToMelCepstrum( filter_order, alpha=alpha ) self.stft = ShortTermFourierTransform( frame_length, frame_period, fft_length, out_format="complex", **stft_kwargs ) self.istft = InverseShortTermFourierTransform( frame_length, frame_period, fft_length, **stft_kwargs ) self.mgc2sp = MelGeneralizedCepstrumToSpectrum( filter_order, fft_length, alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma, out_format="magnitude" if phase == "zero" else "complex", n_fft=n_fft, ) def forward(self, x, mc): if self.ignore_gain: b = self.mc2b(mc) b = self.gnorm(b) b[..., 0] = 0 mc = self.b2mc(b) H = self.mgc2sp(mc) X = self.stft(x) Y = H * X y = self.istft(Y, out_length=x.size(-1)) return y