Source code for diffsptk.core.mgc2sp

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# Copyright 2022 SPTK Working Group                                        #
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import math

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from .mgc2mgc import MelGeneralizedCepstrumToMelGeneralizedCepstrum

[docs]class MelGeneralizedCepstrumToSpectrum(nn.Module): """See `this page <>`_ for details. Parameters ---------- cep_order : int >= 0 [scalar] Order of mel-cepstrum, :math:`M`. fft_length : int >= 2 [scalar] Number of FFT bins, :math:`L`. alpha : float [-1 < alpha < 1] Warping factor, :math:`\\alpha`. gamma : float [-1 <= gamma <= 1] Gamma, :math:`\\gamma`. norm : bool [scalar] If True, assume normalized cepstrum. mul : bool [scalar] If True, assume gamma-multiplied cepstrum. out_format : ['db', 'log-magnitude', 'magnitude', 'power', \ 'cycle', 'radian', 'degree', 'complex'] Output format. n_fft : int >> :math:`L` [scalar] Number of FFT bins. Accurate conversion requires the large value. """ def __init__( self, cep_order, fft_length, alpha=0, gamma=0, norm=False, mul=False, out_format="power", n_fft=512, ): super(MelGeneralizedCepstrumToSpectrum, self).__init__() self.fft_length = fft_length assert 2 <= self.fft_length if out_format == 0 or out_format == "db": c = 20 / math.log(10) self.convert = lambda x: x.real * c elif out_format == 1 or out_format == "log-magnitude": self.convert = lambda x: x.real elif out_format == 2 or out_format == "magnitude": self.convert = lambda x: torch.exp(x.real) elif out_format == 3 or out_format == "power": self.convert = lambda x: torch.exp(2 * x.real) elif out_format == 4 or out_format == "cycle": self.convert = lambda x: x.imag / math.pi elif out_format == 5 or out_format == "radian": self.convert = lambda x: x.imag elif out_format == 6 or out_format == "degree": c = 180 / math.pi self.convert = lambda x: x.imag * c elif out_format == "complex": self.convert = lambda x: torch.polar(torch.exp(x.real), x.imag) else: raise ValueError(f"out_format {out_format} is not supported") self.mgc2c = MelGeneralizedCepstrumToMelGeneralizedCepstrum( cep_order, fft_length // 2, in_alpha=alpha, in_gamma=gamma, in_norm=norm, in_mul=mul, n_fft=n_fft, )
[docs] def forward(self, mc): """Convert mel-cepstrum to spectrum. Parameters ---------- mc : Tensor [shape=(..., M+1)] Mel-cepstrum. Returns ------- sp : Tensor [shape=(..., L/2+1)] Amplitude spectrum or phase spectrum. Examples -------- >>> x = diffsptk.ramp(19) >>> stft = diffsptk.STFT(frame_length=10, frame_period=10, fft_length=16) >>> mcep = diffsptk.MelCepstralAnalysis(3, 16, 0.1, n_iter=1) >>> mc = mcep(stft(x)) >>> mc tensor([[-0.8851, 0.7917, -0.1737, 0.0175], [-0.3522, 4.4222, -1.0882, -0.0511]]) >>> mc2sp = diffsptk.MelGeneralizedCepstrumToSpectrum(3, 8, 0.1) >>> sp = mc2sp(mc) >>> sp tensor([[6.0634e-01, 4.6702e-01, 1.7489e-01, 4.4821e-02, 2.3869e-02], [3.5677e+02, 1.9435e+02, 6.0078e-01, 2.4278e-04, 8.8537e-06]]) """ c = self.mgc2c(mc) sp = torch.fft.rfft(c, n=self.fft_length) sp = self.convert(sp) return sp